Store specializing in bicycles and water sports. Biseak sells, repairs, and rents bikes and paddleboards. Warm and friendly atmosphere guaranteed! Biseak also offers electric fatbike and mountain bike rentals.
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Atelier Effet Mer
Soapery & Artisan Shop On the 2nd floor you will find the Flea Market with vintage/antique objects and furniture, folk art, the Christmas section as well as the Bookstore with used books. Soaps, candles, wax melts, outdoor products,...
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Claude Paquette artiste-peintre
Claude Paquette is a multidisciplinary painter who has been living in the Haute-Gaspésie for more than 35 years, where his studio-gallery is established at 30 Ruisseau-des-Olives in Anse-Pleureuse. His impressive pictural signature along...
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Lofts Hôtel Gaspésie
Our 12 lofts with fully equipped kitchens and private bathrooms will allow you the independence to take full advantage of all the activities offered in the region at your own pace.
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