Cabines Bellevue

Chalets and apartments
Establishment number(s)
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137, Principale, Rivière-à-Claude 450 525-5022

Small cabins with small kitchen located along the coast with panoramic views of the sea. Cabins designed to accommodate up to 2 people.

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Service des loisirs de la ville de Sainte-Anne-Des-Monts

The recreation department of Sainte-Anne-des-Monts has made sure that its facilities appeal to residents and visitors alike. Rain or shine, there are a wide range of activities to enjoy with family or friends.

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Coop de plein air RAC
Rivière-à-Claude (Ruisseau-à-Rebours)

Coop RAC is an outdoor cooperative operating in the village of Rivière-à-Claude. One-day expedition accompanied by an experienced guide. Self-guided skiing on our land, located 4 kilometres from the junction of Route 132 and Route...

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Expédition Chic-Chocs

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