Cantine de la Seigneurie 132

Snack bar and fast food
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18, 1re Avenue Ouest, Mont-Louis, Québec G0E 1T0 418 797-2511

This snack bar on the beach offers quality food and friendly service. Come enjoy a good meal in our heated, glassed-in dining area with beautiful views of the sea. We serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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Expédition Chic-Chocs

Expédition Chic-Chocs offers guided outings on backcountry snowmobiles and Enduro bikes. Come discover the backcountry with our experienced guides!

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Auberge de Montagne des Chic-Chocs
Parc national de la Gaspésie / Réserve faunique des Chic-Chocs

Very comfortable accommodations in an untamed natural environment: this is the concept of Auberge de montagne des Chic-Chocs. Unique in Eastern Canada, it is perched at an altitude of 615 metres in the heart of the Matane Wildlife Reserve....

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Chalets de l’Anse Blanche

Located alongside the Saint Lawrence River, the cabins offer each vacationer’s desired comfort, freedom, sights, and sounds. You will find picnic tables and lookouts on the grounds to enhance your enjoyment of the sea!

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