Le Couloir – Ski hors-piste
Le Couloir is a collective bringing together backcountry professionals. We specialize in winter off-piste skiing, camping, mountain-specific training and backcountry travel. We have business authorizations with SÉPAQ to operate in the territories of the Gaspésie national park and the Chic-Chocs wildlife reserve. In addition, we have two ski areas exclusive to our company located on private land located in Haute-Gaspésie in the villages of Mont-Louis and Mont St-Pierre. You will find with us a friendly atmosphere, personalized service, a strong professional ethic and the desire to provide you with an unforgettable experience through our mountains, while respecting the environment that surrounds us.
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Relais du Vieux Moulin
The Vieux Moulin trailside facility is managed by the local snowmobile club, the Association des motoneigistes du Mont-Logan. It offers restaurant and bar service for visiting snowmobilers and residents of the Haute-Gaspésie.
To discoverPhare Cap-Chat
Phare Cap-Chat . . . room to grow and to sleep well! Six cabins and 15 rustic camping spaces located along the Saint Lawrence River, away from the road, where nature is at its best! Flowered paths, playgrounds, access to the beach . . ....
To discoverCamping O’P’tit des Monts
O’p’tit Des Monts Campground is the perfect place for lovers of the great outdoors. Located in the western part of the city, in a peaceful and beautiful site, this campground provides a high-end concept.
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