Motel à la Brunante

Hotels and hostels
Establishment number(s)
94, boulevard Sainte-Anne Ouest, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, Québec G4V 1R3 418 763-3366

You want to breathe the sea air and feel the call of the mountains! Motel à La Brunante allows you the best of both worlds, while offering you comfort, courtesy, and regional dishes. Located in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, an important tourist site, La Brunante gives you access to the magnificent Gaspésie National Park.

More Attraits

Le Cueilleur de Verre
Sainte-Anne-des-Monts (Tourelle)

Artisan Alexandre Bellemare will dazzle you with his unique creations inspired by the sea and Gaspé nature. It is now also possible to reserve a time slot to make your own glass piece, from September to June. This activity is not...

To discover
Zec de la Rivière Madeleine
Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine (Rivière-Madeleine)

The salmon fishing along the 60 kilometres of the river upstream from the Grand Sault fishway is managed by the organization La Société de Gestion de la Rivière Madeleine. The 76 salmon pools, quality of the fishing, and mountainous...

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Le Pirate Motel

Offering you rooms and camping sites, this place will charm you with its thematic decor and warm atmosphere. The site, located a stone’s throw from the sea, gives you access to a magnificent view of the mountains.

To discover