Restaurant Monsieur Pizza
Monsieur Pizza specializes in Italian and Canadian dishes. You will be won over by its homemade fries and pizza doughs.
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Aquacuir Créations
Local Gaspesian art specializing in sea leather. Our products are made from fish skins recovered from the Atkins et Frères processing plant in Mont-Louis. Unique products to discover!
To discoverExploramer
Located at the dock of Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, Exploramer is a scientific museum focused on the marine environment of the St.Lawrence, it offers: an Aquarium with a living collection of marine species living in the Gulf, and a brand-new...
To discoverAdrénaline Hors Piste
Get off the beaten track with Adrénaline Hors Piste! Take on technical challenges or head out for adventure in the vast Chic-Choc Mountains. Get the most out of being near the highest mountains in Quebec with their extraordinary snow...
To discover