Ski Shack
Establishment number(s)
The Ski Shack will welcome you in a sporty and chill atmosphere to offer you a memorable adventure stay between mountains and sea in the Haute-Gaspésie.
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Auberge Festive Sea Shack
The Auberge Festive Sea Shack offers you different concepts depending on the season. Whether you come to experience a relaxing fall, a lively spring, or a very festive summer, your experience at the Sea Shack will undoubtedly be...
To discoverLe Couloir – Ski hors-piste
Le Couloir is a collective bringing together backcountry professionals. We specialize in winter off-piste skiing, camping, mountain-specific training and backcountry travel. We have business authorizations with SÉPAQ to operate in the...
To discoverRelais du Vieux Moulin
The Vieux Moulin trailside facility is managed by the local snowmobile club, the Association des motoneigistes du Mont-Logan. It offers restaurant and bar service for visiting snowmobilers and residents of the Haute-Gaspésie.
To discover