Ciné-Club Temps d’écran – Lucy Grizzly Sophie

After a series of troubled events turn her daily life upside down, Sophie decides to leave her city life behind for a while to escape to the countryside. Visibly disturbed, the woman then rents a room in Louise’s house, where Martin, the latter’s nephew, also resides, who has been looking for something since he lost his job. As the days and nights become more and more watery, Sophie and Martin develop an increasingly complicit relationship. One evening, Sophie makes a proposition to Martin that could help him get back on his feet. But at dawn, nothing is the same.

A film by Anne Émond

Cast: Catherine-Anne Toupin, Guillaume Cyr, Lise Roy, Marjorie Armstrong, Josée Laviolette, David Bélizaire.

Psychological drama (Quebec)
1h29 (13 years and over)

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