We are all part of the ocean space, sailing together on the canoe of the future. Immense, the Ocean has long led us to believe that it was unalterable. However, our actions are already having terrible and irreversible effects, impacting the climate, the beings who populate it and all those who depend on it, that is to say all of us.

In the Ocean seen from the heart, Hubert Reeves, with his gentleness, his rigor and his love of life, invites us to discover the Ocean, its threats, its inhabitants and above all its phenomenal resilience as long as we give him time to get well! In order to provide a vibrant panorama of the state of affairs on a global scale, Hubert surrounds himself with internationally renowned scientists and activists including Sandra Bessudo, Daniel Pauly, Mario Cyr, Lyne Morissette, Gilles Bœuf, Valérie Cabanès, Chloé Dubois, Tamatoa Bambridge, Claire Nouvian and Jonathan Balcombe. Together, they take us on the adventure of our survival as a species.

A film by Iolande Cadrin-Rossignol and Marie-Dominique Michaud

Documentary (Québec)
1 h 37 (General)

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